Does a Pizza Restaurant Need SEO?

13 Mar

The simple straightforward answer is yes, of course a pizza restaurant needs SEO.

For that matter every business that is online in my opinion needs SEO.  SEO tells the search engine what each website is about, and it takes it out of the hands of the search engine to try to figure out the content.  Doing SEO for a pizza restaurant is no different than doing SEO for any other business.


While there are few major pizza chains that stand out from the crowd, the vast majority are fighting for a piece of the market left over by these national chains. That being said, having a pizza restaurant can be highly profitable if it can capitalize on the online traffic of customers looking to try something new. Having a local pizza parlor in almost any market can be profitable, easy to maintain, and a rewarding experience.  By leveraging the power of the Internet and doing a proper, effective SEO program for your pizza restaurant you can tap into you a large audience.  Most highly successful pizza restaurants have a strong digital marketing program that targets online orders, pushes delivery, and ensures that their customers can easily find their business.


The first step in establishing your business online, and the very first step of a successful digital marketing program is to launch an effective SEO campaign.  Choose your keywords carefully, research competitors, and optimize your website according to Google’s algorithms should be your starting point.  By making sure that you are choosing keywords that have the potential to deliver profit to your business you are putting yourself ahead of most the other businesses online.  An effective keyword for your pizza restaurant might be pizza delivery services, fresh pizza, or pizza specials.  All of these keywords have the potential of delivering new customers to your business if done properly and your website is optimized effectively for them.


Analyze your competitors, look at their website and see what they’re doing.  Look at things such as the keywords they have selected, the website layout, and the options that they give to their customers. You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel you just need to refine it.  By carefully analyzing your competitors you may find areas that they’ve skipped, things that they have fallen down on and not utilized.  This can definitely help you get a leg up on and attract more customers then they are.


Make sure your website is also optimized according to Google’s current algorithms. These rules change constantly and in order for your pizza restaurant to do SEO effectively you need to be sure that you follow these current rules.  These rules change constantly and major changes happen roughly every six months.  As long as you follow these and do your SEO according to their guidelines you can show up on the first page Google for your keywords.


This article was written by Dan Stalfire with SEO ONE.  SEO ONE has been helping pizza restaurants do their digital marketing and SEO for over 21 years.  To learn more about how SEO ONE can help your pizza restaurant grow call us at 877 4MY-WEBB “877-469-9322” or visit us online at


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