Google’s recent core update in June has created a definite buzz in the SEO world. Google has finally announced that no site will get more than two spots in SERPs after the implementation of this update. Websites, especially in health and finance, are not happy with this “no more than two spots” policy of Google. According to RankRanger, this June update has brought some worse news for health and finance websites. Websites in these niches are facing a sudden drop in traffic and revenues.
Science Behind This Core Update
Google’s primary objective is to provide a better and enhanced user experience. Google keeps on rolling new updates to rule out any possible spamming. The reason behind giving limited exposure to all the sites is to eliminate monopoly and provide different results to users.
What does June Core Update have for Us?
This update has made it difficult for SEO experts to determine what is the right hint for Google to rank a website? In an interview with WebMaster, John Mueller from Google has made it clear that there are no significant shifts optimization polices. Instead, it is an attempt to show different and unique results to the users, and this update is based on user feedback. A careful analysis of various sites shows that this update has nothing to do with content, layout, loading speed or user experience, etc.
Then what is the purpose of this update? We have always heard that Google also takes trust factor into account while ranking sites. Two webpages with high trust score from a single domain will be displayed in SERPs. Blogs and sub-domains will also be counted as one domain.
Impact of Limited Exposure to the Sites
More than a month has been passed, and June Core update has started to show its mix effects on the sites. Although Google claims that no significant changes have been to optimization standards, and this update is meant to provide more relevant and best results according to the query.
After the complete roll-out of the update between 3-8 June, site admins notice drastic changes in the traffic flow. Websites like Daily Mail have seen a severe drop in traffic between 50-70%, but that’s only one side of the story. Some site admins reported a definite increase in traffic flow as well.
Impact of June Core Update on Health Websites
Google was the first search engine who did a severe crackdown against the spammed sites and content. Health sites share sensitive information which should not float on the Internet without any credible proof.
Medical sites with non-academic and non-scientific content will see a shift in traffic flow. For instance, a website like WebMD or NetDoctor has hundreds of pages related to a disease or condition. Despite being all of them optimized with keywords, Google will display only two pages with reliable and verified information. You got it right, doctors and their sites will have to focus more on high-quality medical content with credible resources.
Strategy To Minimize The Damage By this Update
Medical sites with heavy traffic have noticed a declining trend in the flow of organic traffic. For minimizing the damage of the latest development in the optimization keyword and link, stuffing is not enough. Medical sites have to raise their Trust score as well.
By limiting the exposure of websites, Google is trying to maintain highly approved content. Health websites will have to publish their content backed by proper research and clinical trials. Health sites cannot just put a link to any resource. Recently, it was noticed that medical websites sites with a high number of .edu links were found to be ranked in top results.
Final Verdict
Core update of June 2019 has toughened up the competition for medical sites. Only those with the best content and SEO practices will survive in the current market. According to my analysis, high-quality link building, trust score, and right use of keywords are the need of the hour for health sites. What is your opinion about my strategy?
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