Tellagin, The Human Powered Search engine.

01 Feb

One of the newest and fastest-growing search engines on the market is called Tellagin. Tellagin is unique and innovative search engine that delivers results unlike any other engine on the Internet. Tellagin was created by Dan Stalfire, CEO of Internet Marketing Images to fill a need not been satisfied by other search engines.

Tellagin’s proprietary system allows users to determine the search results. Tellagin does this by allowing users to vote on the results either up or down which re-indexes the database, and delivers the results based off of the votes of its users. It provides two search results, one is generated via its algorithm, and is done automatically. The other is done via voting by its users. When a user votes on a search result by given it a positive green vote it moves that result one level higher. When the next person comes and does a search for the same keyword the results will be skewed because of the positive vote of the previous user. If that user then votes it down or up the results will be re-indexed for the next user, and so forth, and so forth. This will deliver the most relevant results based off of actual user input, and not a set software system.

Tellagin is a rapidly growing and advanced system that unlike other engines is powered by the people. Tellagin stands for intelligent engine and is constantly evolving and growing with a short-term goal to be the most popular tier 2 search engine. Currently Google controls 90% of the search results, and the other 10% is made up of tier 2 search engines. Tellagin short-term position is to capitalize on this market and then slowly expand to siphon some of Google’s 90% market share.

To learn more about Tellagin visit


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